Topic: How can leaders effectively manage ‘change’ within an organisation?
Order Description
Depending on how you choose to approach this question, several of the units within the module may be relevant. You may consider using one (in-depth case study) or two case studies (in order perhaps to compare and contrast) in your response. If you do so, you must ensure that you support these with references to supporting literature where possible. Please do not submit a largely unsupported essay. Do make sure that reference is made to appropriate academic theory and associated literature.
How can leaders effectively manage ‘change’ within an organisation?

How can leaders effectively manage ‘change’ within an organisation?

Topic: How can leaders effectively manage ‘change’ within an organisation?
Order Description
Depending on how you choose to approach this question, several of the units within the module may be relevant. You may consider using one (in-depth case study) or two case studies (in order perhaps to compare and contrast) in your response. If you do so, you must ensure that you support these with references to supporting literature where possible. Please do not submit a largely unsupported essay. Do make sure that reference is made to appropriate academic theory and associated literature.